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Thoughts & Inspiration



I am going to tell you what went on this week after I tell you what is going on with me. This week I really struggled to hear what God was telling me. I am really trying to just figure out my identity in Christ and have that interment relationship with God and this is no easy task. So my pray request is that I keep growing in that relationship and finding my identity. So one of the things we did this week is door to door ministry, this is where I struggled with hearing God. I really wanted to have words of encouragement or words to tell about the love of God but my mind went blank. Luckily we had a couple ladies from Bethel with us, and the words the spoke are powerful and true. The people we talked to Christian or not could help but smile when the ladies would share about Gods love. That was an amazing thing to see. I have been working on surrendering things to God rather than trying to take things on myself. So a project that we have been working on here a Vision Nicaragua is that we are adding a room to Mario’s house. Mario is a man that works here at the project; well he basically runs this place. He is an amazing man of God and serves us so well we are blessed to have him here. His son is 5 now and it is time for him to have his own space. This is going to be so good for Mario and his wife so they can have their own space. I think this is an amazing way for us to bless a man that spends every day of his life blessing people. I had my first soccer game last Sunday and that was amazing! I can really see myself getting to know these guys on a whole new level. God knows my love for soccer, and knows that playing soccer is my way of building relationships and showing is love! I couldn’t ask for a better ministry opportunity!!! Please keep me and my team in your prayers we need it. Sometimes it is hard to stay strong here, and pray against sickness my squad has been getting sick lately!!  Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think.
You are loved, Nash